1. 尊龙凯时·(中国区)人生就是搏!

          Case studies
          Energy Storage In Action. Our storage units in action around the world.
          Why do clients choose Trina Storage for grid scale battery storage projects?
          While renewable sources of energy such as solar and wind are the most sustainable way of powering the modern world, they are also variable, depending on the time of day or weather. These fluctuations require our grids to be more flexible, balancing discrepancies in supply and demand. Energy storage is the answer to this challenge, as it makes grids more flexible and resilient.
          Global footprint with regional presence and expertise
          Flexible end-to-end partnerships
          Centralised supply chain model for cost optimization, quality, and short delivery time
          Industry-leading consultancy and forecasting
          Flexible capacity warranty
          50MW BESS Project - Burwell, UK
          Beyond compliance with UK Health & Safety regulations, the COVID-19 pandemic introduced further challenges surrounding testing, vaccinations, and site management.
          SEE MORE
          Global Shipments of Energy Storage Systems - 4GWh
          Global Shipments of Energy Storage Systems - 4GWh
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